Bangalore Hospital

Nipah Virus Again On The Prowl In Kerala

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Nipah Virus is again on the Prowl in Kerala. It’s just a year back that this Virus created a Havoc in the state and went on a killing Spree. The Virus with a fatality rate of over 88% killed 21 people of the 23 cases that were registered in Kerala in 2018 and scared the hell out of the citizens. This year already 5 people are suspected to have contracted the NIV and under isolation already. So, primarily, it is a good idea to avoid travel to and around the region where the Nipah outbreak has just started. Also, here’s all you need to know about this deadly condition. The Nipah infection is associated with Pteropus Bats genus as natural hosts and was first discovered in Malaysia and Singapore among pig farmers. It occurred due to close contact with pigs and is also known to spread through infected fruit bats besides humans and others like dogs, cats, rodents and horses as well. Though, the most likely ones are known to be humans, bats and pigs. The mortality rates in pigs is not high inspite of the fact that the infection rate is In India, the first NIV outbreak occurred in Siliguri West Bengal in the year 2001, taking lives of 45 people out of the 68 detected. Then it surfaced again in 2007, killing all the 5 people known to have contracted the virus. There is no denial that the Nipah Virus is highly fatal and humans contract it through either the body fluids of pigs, exposure to secretion of sick pigs or corpses. Human to Human contraction occurs through body fluids, saliva of the patient and corpse as well. The fruit bat to human infection is known to spread by consuming raw date palm sap that are contaminated through the saliva or the urine of bats. Even livestock that feeds on wild fruits contaminated via bats with NIV.

Nipah infection can be variable as far as symptoms are concerned right from being asymptomatic to getting fata encephalitis or acute respiratory infection. As of now there is no vaccine or treatment available for humans as well as animals. Even the 2018 Annual Review of WHO R&D Blueprint list has a mention that this condition needs an emergency and speedy research as well as development. The only way at present is to make people aware about the risk factors and the precautionary measures to be taken in order to avoid the outbreak.

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Know About The Vital Screening Test That You Could Ignore!

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In the times when pesticides and carcinogenic stuff has become a daily part of our life and is laying the path for different types of cancers, preventive screenings can help a lot in catching cancer in time and improving the quality of life.

Today people are very much aware about preventive screenings at an early age but due to lack of time and hectic work schedules and other priorities you tend to ignore a few. Definitely, people are taking cancer screenings seriously.

Vital Screening Test

One such condition is Osteoporosis. In this condition the body loses a lot of bone and makes very less or sometimes it could be both together. In Osteoporosis, bones become brittle. They could break even if there is a simple fall or at times even due to sneezing.

As per health experts early detection and intervention can help you curb the progression of the condition with the help of medicines as well as required life style changes. To detect osteoporosis, you need to go through the bone mineral density (BMD) test.

The diagnosis can help you detect the condition, the risk factors as well as the tracking over the course of your treatment. The test that is commonly taken and is painless in nature is the Central DXA test or the Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry test similar to X-ray. This test is recommended for the 65 and above women. As of now age based recommendations are not there for men. As per the NIH below 65 women who are at the risk of fracture also need to get tested.

Risk factors include low body weight, genes, early menopause, addictions like smoking and rheumatoid arthritis disorder. People with family history of osteoporosis are at the risk of getting it early on in their 40’s. So, thinking that osteoporosis can only occur post 65 years is not apparently true.

Well, get a little more aware and serious around some conditions that might not be life threatening but still vital because it could affect quality of life by getting you into painful problems.

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Pea Sized Insulin Pill For Diabetetics – Inspired By Nature

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Insulin injections for diabetics who have to have daily shots are always a big no. One would rather prefer a pill over injections any day. It does affect the quality of life of many diabetics who need to take a shot every day for filling up their insulin scarcity. But, seems like a solution is underway or in the making. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology research team has made an invention called the pea sized insulin pill. If this invention works, then not only insulin but it can be used as a replacement for many other injectable medicines.

The research for developing insulin that can be taken orally has been going on for decades now but without any success as in market reach till date. But insulin and many similar compounds do not have the ability to complete the tough journey through the digestive system. As per a non-researcher from the Mount Sinai’s Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute, ‘’the pill is like a miniaturized rocket launcher’’.

This undated photo provided by researchers in February 2019 shows the components of swallowable self-righting device which can inject drugs from inside the stomach. The new invention, reported Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019, by an MIT-led research team, has been tested only in animals so far. But if it pans out, it might offer a work-around to make not just insulin but a variety of usually injected medicines a little easier to take. (Felice Frankel via AP)

This pea sized pill has the ability to commute through the esophagus in seconds and in minutes of swallowing it’s inside the stomach. The design is inspired by that of a leopard tortoise whose shell design helps it to flip on its back and right itself. The researchers created this miniature capsule of similar shape with a weighted bottom so it can roll in the correct direction to latch automatically. It also came with a micro-injector made from dried insulin that was compressed into a sharp point. The researchers powered it with the help of a tiny spring and a sugar disk that was hardened. The pill pops after the acids in the stomach dissolve the pill has been already tested on pigs and the ingestible injection has been able to lower blood sugar levels just like standard shots do. Steven Little, the chairman of the chemical engineering department of University of Pittsburgh said that “It’s a very clever idea, that is meant to solve a very long standing problem”


The only hurdle in the research at present is that it cannot be taken over an empty stomach. Hence, presently it is could be uses instead of morning insulin shots and not post meal. Also, as the capsule is made of stainless steel and biodegradable material that floats and gets excreted, there is no harm as such. There are no side effects even if it pokes the stomach wall. Gastroenterologists have been long using needles for delivering medicines for patients. Though the medicine will take around three more years before it is tested on humans and to know how the stomach responds to it if used on a daily basis.

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5 Common Food Allergens in India

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Allergies are very common amongst us. Either we know we are allergic to stuff based on our experience post consumption of these foods or we aren’t. Many people have hiccups on eating spicy stuff like a chilly, while many get a runny nose. There are people who suffer from lactose intolerance and suffer from diarrhea after consuming foods like milk or cheese. But, if you think all these are allergies, then you aren’t completely right. These can be categorized under food intolerance or insensitivity. A food allergy is not the same. It occurs when your body considers harmless food to apparently harm the body. Food allergies could range from creating simple reactions like rashes on skin, or irritation to eyes or breathing problems to turn out to be life threatening if immediate steps are not taken. The best way to keep yourself safe is to be aware of such triggers and avoid them.

5 Common Food Allergens in India

Let’s look through 10 different food allergens and their side effects or reactions they cause. The most common allergens are as follows –

Eggs – The trigger that causes food allergies in eggs is egg protein like conalbumin, ovumucoid and ovalbumin. This allergy is found mostly in children than in adults. Some of the allergens are destroyed when the eggs are cooked but not all. This allergy can also cause anaphylaxis. The allergy can vary from person to person. While some might be allergic to yoke, some to egg white and some to all.

Fish – Fish allergy could be really harmful. It can be life threatening and lead to anaphylaxis. The allergy can show reactions like throat swelling, diarrhea and puking, skin irritations, blood pressure drop and anaphylaxis as well.


Milk – Many children may be allergic to cow’s milk. It can also be passed to the child indirectly through breast feeding. Many children out-grow of the allergy once adults but one fifth of them are said to have it in their adulthood too. The presence of the milk antibodies can be determined with the help of the blood test.

Soyabean – Soy bean is also one of the common allergy to have. The reactions of soya bean allergy includes vomiting, diarrhea, ashes as well as stomach cramps. Sometimes it could also cause swelling of the tongue, lips as well as hand, feet and puffed eyes too. Other reactions include bloating, flatulence. Though, it rarely gets life threatening and cause anaphylaxis.

Shellfish – Shell fish includes aquatic life like shrimp, oyster, crabs, mussels, clams, scallops, to name a few. This allergy can get serious and even vapor of the cooking shell fish can be allergic. The reaction are very much similar to other allergic reactions

As far as allergens go, prevention is always the best idea. So be aware of allergies if you have any and avoid food that can cause allergies primarily. Also, in case you get one for the first time, take immediate action and consult a doctor without wasting much of a time.

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E Cigarettes are Harmful Too

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A Harvard study says that the chemicals that are commonly used to in flavoring e cigarettes may damage our lungs in a way that its ability to fight the dust, dirt and other allergens can be put to risk, thereby increasing risk of diseases like asthma.

The researchers found that two chemicals namely diacetyl and 2, 3 – pentanedione are responsible for the impairment as they affect the functioning of antennae like proturberances. These proturberances are present on 50-75 percent of the cells lining the human airways and are very important contributors in keep the human airway free from dust dirt and mucus thus allowing people to breathe easily without irritation.


Cilia is the first line of defense in lungs and as per the study these chemicals harm it, by altering the gene expression pertaining to the cilia function as well as production.
The study carried out the testing of e-cigarettes and found that 90% of them have the flavoring chemicals diacetyl and 2 as well as 3-pentanedione are present.

The chemical diacetyl is also found in food flavors like butter flavored microwave popcorn, candy as well as baked goods. Though for foods it is not known to be harmful but only when it is inhaled that if turns dangerous.

Impaired cilia function is responsible for lung conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. An associate professor at the Harvard University also mentioned that even though chemicals are used for flavoring e-cigs but it is known as to how they impact the health. This study therefore throws light on the chemicals that are responsible for harming the lungs and how.
The chemical Diacetyl was earlier linked to lung conditions like bronchilitis obliterans, a lung condition also dubbed as popcorn lung for a reason that it was first found in workers of popcorn processing facilities after they inhaled artificial butter flavor.

As per researchers the present standards of safe limits of chemical exposure for workers are not enough and need to change as even low levels of the chemical does affect gene expression.
Thus as per researchers, today e-cigarette users are heating as well as inhaling the flavoring chemicals are in common use and users do not know that they are not tested for inhalation safety as well.



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Dystonia – All You Need to Know About This Common and Complex Condition

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Though not a very common condition in India, it is the third most common condition in the USA behind Parkinson’s disease and tremor. Around 2.5 lac people there are known to be suffering from this condition. As far as the age group for this condition is concerned, there is none and can affect anyone from a child to old people irrespective of races, religion or ethnicities.

A deep part of the brain that helps to control movement is known as basal ganglia. The condition is a result of abnormal functioning of this part. This part is responsible for management of movements of the body and prevention of unwanted movements. But, if you are suffering from dystonia and you lose control over the movement management causing repetition of movements, positions and postures besides twisting as well. Not only can it affect the different parts of the body like the legs, trunk, arms and face, it can also affect your vocal cords.


This condition can adversely affect your daily routines disrupting one of many of the functions. For example if dystonia affects your neck then you will experience difficulty even in eating, chewing and swallowing. In-spite of it not being a life threatening condition it does tend to cause embarrassment and depression in many, thus resulting into emotional distress. As a result there are many support groups working to help people work on their mental health even though separate treatment for mental health is needed in-order to cope up with the challenges that that condition brings along.

Dystonia is known to affect different age groups right from the age 0 to that of 20 and older. The Childhood onset of the condition is known to begin between 0 – 12 years, while adolescent onset stars around 3-20 years and adult onset starts above 20 years of age.

At times this condition is not easily diagnosed and could be mistaken as stress or some sort of psychological disorder. Diagnosis therefore is not easy. In its initial stages dystonia symptoms are arise only after specific tasks or movements but when it advances it can also occur during rest period. As it affects the same group of muscles it leads to repetitive movement over time. The process of development is generally slow and the symptoms are confined to local region. Different types of dystonia exhibit different symptoms like for example blepharospasm dystonia shows symptoms like repetitive and blinking at speed, eye irritation and sensitivity to light. Even as far as progress of the different condition in dystonia are concerned they vary from people to people. In some people it might be a gradual progression while in some a speed one. In some it could be all plateaus. In its advanced form it could lead to a lot of postural issues and deformities, torso contortions, involuntary rhythmic movements and more.

Either medication or surgery or botox injections are used for treatment purpose. They could be used separately or in conjunction with each other. Botox as well as medications do help in blocking the communication between the nerve and the muscle and slow down the abnormal postures and movements


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Ganglion Cyst – Causes, Symptoms, Medical Advice, Treatment

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Many of you might not have heard about this condition but it does exist and is a common condition for the age group of 20 to 40 years. A ganglion cyst is a tumor or swelling caused either on the tendon viz. the tissue that connects muscle to the bone or the top of a joint. The cyst is sticky and colourless and looks like a sac of liquid. The size of the cyst may vary and it could feel spongy as well. There could either be on single cyst or one large one and multiple number of smaller ones around it connected by a common stalk within the deeper tissue. Also known as Bible cyst, is not harmful and around 70% people experience it in their lifetime. Ganglion cysts are very rare in age-groups less than 10 years. Ganglion cysts usually develop on the back of the hand. They are found at the joint of the wrist but can also be seen on the side of the palm. The other rare but possible sites of cyst include mucous cysts occurring right below the cuticle on the fingertip, the foot top, as pea sized bumps on the palm finger base, as well as the outer part of the ankle as well as the knee.

Ganglion Cyst

As on day the causes of the cyst are not known. As per doctors it could be due to breakdown of the tissue joint as a result of some trauma. Another theory mentions joint capsule fault or in that of the tendon sheath leading to joint tissue bulge.


  • If you have a bulge or bump of changing mass.
  • If the diameter is 1-3 cm and it does not move
  • There is a sudden swelling or a gradual one
  • If it is recurring after a certain period of time
  • Ganglion cysts do cause pain followed by acute trauma even if they don’t appear.
  • If it pains it could get worse due to joint motion
  • In cysts that are connected to the tendon, you feel weakness in the finger

Medical Advice
Medical evaluation of the cyst is important whether or not you have all the symptoms. This will help the doctor in making it sure and offering a suitable line of treatment. The doctor could advise on an ultrasound or test using the cyst fluid. At times even a MRI could be advised by the doctor though it is an expensive procedure.

Ganglion Cysts can be treated with hot bags at home. Sometimes if there is pain, doctor may prescribe a pain killer as well. Surgical or cosmetic removal of cysts of bigger size can be done but they could reoccur as well.


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Swimming Helps to Release Stress and Tension

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As per a new study swimming can help reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression. Mental Illness is not a taboo anymore as it used to be in the earlier times. Today mental health is being given as much importance as physical health not only worldwide but in India too. Due to the hectic lifestyles of Indians with extensive workloads and deadlines to match, people suffer from a lot of stress and anxiety. It has already affected millions of people worldwide. Mental health foundation statistics say that in Britain one fifth of the adult population is known to be affected by Mental Health Issues.

While discussions are already rife around methods that could help in reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety, there are many different methods and ways coming to light for the same. This includes taking help of mental health professionals, following a proper balanced diet and even swimming. Apparently, an organisation call Swim England carried out a YouGov poll on around 1.4 million adults in UK, to find that Swimming did have a positive effect on their mental health. Almost half a million people of UK who swim and also have faced mental health issues have mentioned that swimming on a regular basis has shown a positive effect and reduced the number of visits they do to the mental health specialist. 43 percent said that swimming made them happy, while 26 percent of the swimmers said that they feel motivated and 15 of them said swimming helps them cope up with the stress that comes along in their daily lives.

As per the head of mental health activities, Hayley Jarvis, engaging into physical activities on a regular basis is good for the body. What the mind says shows the significance of exercising for physical as well as mental well-being. The more active you are physically, the lower are the levels of stress on a daily basis.

This voting campaign was launched on the ‘World Mental Health Day’, as a part of the global initiative in celebrating mental health and creating awareness about reducing the taboo around the same.

As per Ian Cumming, chair of the Swimming and Health Commission in UK, swimming is a very useful activity for the body and research is a good proof of the same. Simply being in water works well for restoration of the body, particularly outdoor swimming. In UK due to the rising population experiencing stress and anxiety issues,


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Beware Bangalore – Swine Flu on the Prawl Again

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H1N1 has again begun to spread its wings across Karnataka. Over 207 case have been registered already across the state and a staggering 46 in Bengaluru itself in the past one week. Besides, there are reports of chikungunya and dengue too. The IT corridor of the state particularly the eastern region of the city is badly affected after September 29th, 2018.

As per the health officials, it is worrisome because, these many cases were last reported in 2015. The district surveillance officer clearly stated that the virus was presence in the city and people will low or not immunity are definitely at the risk of catching the life threatening condition.

A pandemic now, this highly contagious respiratory disorder finds its roots in Mexico in 2009, spreading at a high intensity across the world. The condition is caused through the influenza A virus transmitted from pigs to humans. It can turn out to be a life threatening condition and hence requires great care.

H1N1 Flu

The symptoms of H1N1 are very similar to that of flu –

  • Fever
  • Body aches
  • Sore Throat
  • Stuff or Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Headache

Though the symptoms are similar to flu, it can cause serious problems like lung infection, breathing problems and pneumonia. It also has the ability to worsen the health of people suffering from diabetes or asthma. If you observe symptoms like dizziness, severe vomiting, breathing issues, pain in your stomach or sides or confusion, take immediate medical help.

Only a lab test can confirm the presence of H1N1. For the test, the doctor will use a swab to take samples from inside your nose and throat back. Not every is needs to undergo the test. Only the ones admitted to the hospital and at a high risk of developing the life threatening problems need to do it. These include

  • Children below the age of 5 years
  • Elders above 65
  • Under 18 teens and kids who have been using aspirin
  • Pregnant women
  • Children and Adults with a weak immune system and HIV infected people
  • People housed in nursing homes and care facilities from long

The antiviral drugs used for treating seasonal flue are used for treatment of H1N1 as well and include medicines like Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir (Relenza), Pearamivir (Rapivab). Some types of swine flu doesn’t respond to Oseltamivir. These drugs are effective and will help you get well soon. The only catch is that they need to be given within 48 hours of the symptoms. Though its not that they don’t work at all but the earlier the better.

Antibiotics won’t work here because it ain’t a bacterial infection, it’s viral. To relieve yourself from headache and body ache you may try over the counter medicines. Avoid giving aspiring to children under 18 because it could increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome. Also, do be careful to check that over the counter medicines you give do not have any content of aspirin.

The vaccine for influenza and swine flu is the same. It’s available as spray or shot form and prepares your body to attack the real virus.


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Selection of a Healthy Oil for Healthy Cooking – World Heart Day

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It is not secret that India tops the list of mortalities due to cardiac arrests and diseases. The reasons obviously point out to many, and unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main ones. A healthy lifestyle is an amalgamation of a balanced diet, a fitness regime that is followed on a regular basis and addiction free. As per a leading nutritionist, though food forms a significant part of your lifestyle, it’s not just about the type of food that is consumed. A lot of things are associated with food, it’s the way the food is cooked, served, consumed as well as the time when you consume it.

Also, when anyone says oil, everyone seems to be rolling their eyes because, we feel that the real culprit of your unhealthy body is the oil. But, the fact is that oil is not bad as you would imagine it to be. It is a mix of different kinds of fats. Also, a healthy oil is a mixture of different kinds of fats. Hence, when you select your oil, it’s important that you check for a balance between the essential fats of it.

Here are a few tips to help you out with selection of a healthy oil for healthy cooking –

Loaded with Mono-saturated Fats – Mono-saturated fats are good for health and hence it’s good to choose an oil that is rich in mono-saturated fats. These fats solidify when kept in the fridge and transform into liquid when at room temperature.

More of Polyunsaturated fats – Poly unsaturated fats contain Omega 3 and Omega 6, which happen to be vital for the body. We all know that omega 3 is responsible for protecting our body against inflammation, thus protecting us against diseases. Our body is not capable of producing them and hence we need it to be there in our diet. Though Omega 3 is what we need more than omega 6, precisely in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4.

Less of Trans Fats – Trans-fat are highly harmful to the body. To say the least, its best to avoid this fat. Trans-fats are formed when poly-saturated fats are transformed into solid. These fats are leading causes of heart diseases, high cholesterol as well as cancer.

Less of Saturated Fats– Saturated fats are known to be bad fat but apparently they come under the neutral category. You can have an intake of saturated fat but in limit. They are good but not as good as mono-saturated fat. Also, the bad saturated fats are the hydrogenated saturated fats that are man-made.

Lastly, fat is bad only when it is consumed in a quantity that is more than required. So, controlling eating habits is the key to healthy body.


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